The Benefits of Choosing a 12 Foot Artificial Christmas Tree

When you think of Christmas and birds that represent Christmas, there are several that may come to mind. These include cardinals aka red birds, doves as they are symbolizing peace, and even peacocks that have been the inspiration for many 12 foot artificial Christmas trees themes. However, for the purpose of being inspired by birds, let’s focus on either cardinals or doves. How can you make this theme come to life on your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees? If you love these birds, then read on for a few DIY ideas that are going to be gorgeous and simple enough to do yourself.

How to Decorate a 12 Foot Artificial Christmas Tree with Bird Ornaments


1. Create small bird nests that will lay on the edges of your branches or find these in ornament form. Many people find that buying the nesting materiel at their local craft store is simple enough. Then using hot glue and some wire, create this nest to place on the end of the branches. For 12 foot artificial Christmas trees you will find that having a nest on each side every foot or so is going to be sufficient to show your theme.

2. Find fake birds to hang onto the tree rather than just going with flat, 2D ornaments. These types of birds can often be purchased at craft stores since these are elements that many people use when making their own wreaths for their doors. Put these into the nests or simply have them scattered throughout the tree.

3. Add in a few colored feathers that match these birds. You will find that adding in feathers to the tree is going to add some much needed texture throughout these 12 foot artificial Christmas trees.

4. Compliment all of this with a nice neutral bulb ornament that goes well with the bird you have chosen. You can opt for silver, gold, or even go with white throughout the 12 foot artificial Christmas trees…the result will be stunning.